
Youth Vitality Ageless Eye Serum

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A powerful but gentle eye serum that delivers a noticeable anti-aging look for the delicate skin around the eye-area. It is bio-scientifically formulated with an ideal harmony of Golden Ginseng, Euphoria Longan Extract, Oriental Tea Complex, Recover NF Factor, 2% NIACINAMIDE, Adenosine and Chrysanthemum Indicum Extract. The serum’s soft and moist texture is instantly absorbed to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and under-eye puffiness. It awakens and energizes the eye area by restoring skin firmness and adding hydration and nourishment

特別為嬌嫩眼周而設的眼部精華,專研配方蘊含肌活因子Alpha NF、金人蔘精華、桂圓萃取、東方御茶複合物、2%煙酰胺、腺苷及金黃洋甘菊萃取,輕柔保濕質地易於吸收,輕輕一抹即可減淡細紋及眼紋,同時舒緩眼部浮腫,即效為眼肌注入活力以助喚醒倦眼,讓眼部肌膚回復緊緻,倍感滋養及明亮。


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