Sweet & Spicy - Solid shampoo to add oomph 110g
Sweet & Spicy- 豐盈秀髮專用洗髮餅 110g

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Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean and emerged with an enviable, voluminous head of hair? Ethique will let you in on a secret - the magic ingredient is none other than salt! Ethique’s Sweet and Spicy shampoo takes cues from Mother Nature, incorporating her trick to recreate mermaid magic at home. Orange, cinnamon, ginger, and salt feature in this zingy, warming shampoo to bring life and volume to hair, leaving it thoroughly clean and shiny with a bit of oomph. Hydrating fair trade coconut oil and cocoa butter make their usual appearance as well, leaving your hair soft and bouncy for an extra spring in your step.Pro tip: Keep bars thoroughly dry between uses. Ethique have a range of compostable bamboo in-shower containers - perfect for storing your shampoo bar. Product features: - Ethique's packaging is 100% plastic-free and certified compostable - 100% soap-free, pH balanced and safe for colour treated hair - Boosts volume without drying hair - Equivalent to 3 bottles of liquid shampoo - Certified cruelty-free, vegan and palm oil free

Sweet & Spicy蘊含甜橘精油、肉桂、海鹽、薑等成分,為髮絲營造豐盈感,注入光澤和活力,締造柔順飄逸的頭髮。細軟扁塌髮質適用。

- 紐西蘭原裝進口
- 天然植物性原料
- 100% 純素成分、不進行動物測試
- pH值平衡, 不含皂鹼
- 不含SLS、矽靈、 合成香精、paraben防腐劑
- 固體超濃縮配方,一塊洗髮餅相當於三瓶350ml液體洗髮露
- 採用不含塑膠、可生物分解包材,向瓶瓶罐罐說不

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