Latest update: $60 / colour instead of $65
I just bought my first eye shadow after Kose counter this evening after trying it at the counter last month.
If you are a beginner looking for something natural, try the light brown one (colour code: BR 312). And if you don't have any eye shadow base, which helps the colour cling to eyelids for longer. You can check out their cream eye shadow base. It also clings to the eyelids quite well.
Even the brands at Sasa or Bonjour (MaxFactor and Revlon) have eye shadows (single colour) at about the same price as the Kose shadows.
Unfortunately if you buy one colour only, it doesn't come with a brush and you need to buy a bigger case with brush included separately.
Brushes are available at any make-up stores - so this shouldn't be a big problem for any.