Greenful pH-Balanced Cleansing Wipes 20ea
綠豆弱酸性卸妝潔膚巾 20片

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100% biodegradable cleansing wipes for a healthier planet! Greenful pH-Balanced Cleansing Wipes is made by 100% biodegradable materials which gently removes makeup, dirt, oil, and other impurities and provide moisture to the skin anywhere. Tailor-made for your healthy-skin-to-be: -30%Mung Bean extract: Effectively removes impurities. -Green Tea Leaf extract: Rich in polyphenol, an organic compound that helps to retain moisture and to reduce fine lines. -Herbal Complex 5 (Rosemary extract, Camelgrass extract, Matricaria extract, Salvia Leaf extract, Lavender extract): A complexion of anti-oxidant properties, which reduces signs of premature aging and acne formation. -Panthenol: Protects skin from various external environmental factors. -Allantoin: Skin-calming and fortifying the skin barrier. -Optimal pH level 5.5: Skin friendly, best skincare absorption in this pH level. -No synthetic fragrances, dyes and colors. Beauty Tips: -No washing off after use, a grab-and-go product that can be used anywhere.

100%可生物降解潔膚巾,讓地球更加健康 使用100%可生物降解材料製造的beplain綠豆弱酸性卸妝潔膚巾,隨時隨地,輕鬆一張卸淨妝容、污垢、多餘油分和其他雜質,同時補充肌底水分。 為健康肌膚量身打造的配方: -30%綠豆萃取:有效去除毛孔中的雜質 -綠茶萃取:富含茶多酚,有助於加強保濕,減少細紋 -草藥複合物5 (迷迭香萃取、香茅萃取、德國洋甘菊、鼠尾草萃取、薰衣草萃取):抗氧化、延緩肌膚老化並有助於緩解痘痘形成的其他肌膚問題 -泛醇 (Panthenol):保濕活膚,修復肌膚屏障,保護皮膚抵禦外部污染物 -尿囊素 (Allantion):補水同時鎮靜收斂,鞏固皮膚屏障 -pH值5.5-6.5:溫和舒適,親膚易吸收 -沒有合成香料,染料和色素。 使用小貼士: -用後免沖洗,方便外出使用

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