Sebum Care Moisture Gel 120ml
深層控油保濕啫喱 120毫升
Replenishes the function of essential skin ingredient, “ceramide” and whileit provides moisture, it also prevents rough and sticky skin caused byexcess sebum.Contains sebum control ingredient to prevent stickiness of excess sebum.Contains moisturizing ingredient (the ceramide functioning ingredient * ,Eucalyptus extract).Liquid based gel formula will easily absorbs and moisturizes deep insidestratum corneum and also keeps the skin surface refreshed at the sametime. Non-oily formula.Prevents rough skin.Maintains the pH value that healthy skin has. When pH value changes,sebum tends to turn into irritants to skin.
• 水凝啫喱質地,能深入滲透至角質層,更容易被肌膚吸收
• 清爽配方,保濕同時讓肌膚保持輕盈水潤
• 有效預防黑頭及粉刺,避免肌膚變得粗糙
• 保持肌膚的天然弱酸性pH值,避免油分因pH值過高而變成刺激物及引起敏感