
SANA Soy Milk Rich Cleansing Wash 150g
珊娜豆乳美肌洗面膏 (濃潤保濕) 150g

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Soy Milk Rich Cleansing Cream, kneaded into a thick elastic foam of polymer, through the concentrated soy milk fermentation liquid technology, the soy milk essence is injected into the skin's three major beauty effects.

Triple Moisturizing & Water Locking: soy isoflavones, soy protein and soybean essence fermented by the ultimate concentrated soy milk, triple moisturizing and locking water for the skin, firming and moisturizing.

Whitening and translucency: the refined soy milk essence is similar to female hormones, suppresses melanin, and translucent white skin.

Anti-aging skin: fermented beans and essence can promote the formation of collagen and hyaluronic acid, anti-oxidation, while radiance and enhance skin elasticity. Locks in horny water, gently dissolves dirt, deeply cleans dirt and adjusts texture, moisturizes and cleanses skin. After cleansing, it feels supple and elastic.

No fragrance, no pigment, no mineral oil, gentle care of delicate skin.


3重保濕鎖水 : 極緻濃縮豆乳發酵的大豆異黃酮、 大豆蛋白及大豆精華,為肌膚三重保濕鎖水,緊緻滋潤。

美白透亮 : 經提煉的豆乳精華與女性荷爾蒙相似,抑壓黑色素,透白美肌。

抗肌膚老化 : 發酵豆與精華能促進膠原蛋白及透明質酸形成,抗氧化,同時亮澤及提升肌膚彈性。 鎖住角質水份,溫和溶解污垢,深層清潔面上污垢及調整紋理,滋潤潔淨肌膚。潔面後,觸感水嫩富彈力。



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