
PHYSIOGEL 低敏保濕精華爽膚液 200毫升

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For dry and sensitive skin
- A toner-essence formula, contains highly-efficiency essence that provides excellent moisturizing effect to the skin
- Contains triple skin-friendly moisturizing essence ingredients – Phytosterols, Hyaluronic acid and Betaine, which locks skin moisture, strengthens the skin barrier, leaving skin radiant, hydrated, soft and smooth.
- Rick toner texture, quickly penetrated and absorbed into the skin. Skin is moisturized, refreshing and non-greasy after use.
- Advanced BioMimic Technology is clinically proven to strengthen and repair the skin’s natural moisture barrier, reduce and relieve dry and sensitive skin
- Users’ satisfactory survey* shows:
93.9% feels the skin is moisturized
93.9% feels that the essence penetrates into the skin quickly
90.9% feels that the skin is soft and smooth
90.9% feels that the formula is mild and does not irritate the skin
- Non-comedogenic test^ completed, suitable for troubled skin
- Hypoallergenic, sensitive skin test completed*
- Dermatologically tested
- Suitable for babies, children and adults
- No colourants, fragrance, Preservatives, Conventional Emulsifier, Steroid

- 爽膚水糅合精華液配方,爽膚液質地蘊含高效精華,一支達致全效保濕
- 蘊含三重親膚性保濕精華成分 -植物固醇、透明質酸及甜菜鹼,鎖緊肌膚水分,強化肌膚屏障 ,賦活肌膚光澤、水潤及柔嫩平滑
- 豐盈質地,快速吸收至肌底,用後肌膚保濕滋潤,清爽不黏膩 
- 先進的BioMimic科技,臨床實證能強化及修復肌膚天然鎖水屏障,減退肌膚敏弱情況,紓緩乾燥及敏感肌膚
- 用家滿意度調查*
93.9% 感覺肌膚水潤保濕感 
93.9% 感覺精華快速滲透肌膚底層
90.9% 感覺肌膚變得柔嫩平滑
90.9% 感覺配方溫和不刺激肌膚
- 通過不致粉刺測試^,痘痘肌適用
- 低敏配方,通過敏感性肌膚測試*
- 通過皮膚科醫生測試
- 適合嬰兒、小孩 及成人使用
- 不含色素、香料、防腐劑、傳統乳化劑及類固醇
 *iEC Korea Co., Ltd., June 23, 2020 – July 21, 2020, 33 adult women
^ PCR Corp., May 25, 2020 – June 22. 2020, 33 men and women


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