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Clinique has her first ever CC cream and it has made its a world wide recognition as a wonderful CC cream for ladies. Whether you are working, studying , or partying , the CC cream will fufill all your needs for coverage.

If your skin constantly exposes to the sun's uv rays, well, Clinque's CC cream will ive you maximum protection of SPF 30 with PA +++ ! No worries about getting your skin toasted and tanned anymore!

CC cream is known as color correcting cream, and it is better than BB cream, because, other than what BB craem already has , CC cream hasd more than that! It gives extra nourishing ingredients to make coverage more natural and your skin will look more radiant than before, friends would definitely compliment your skin and ask for your beauty secrets to your amazing skin!

Clinique CC cream is very easily blendable and streakfree, which most ladies might worry about. It also makes your skin soft, moisturized, and covers your dark eye circles! ( If you have some >u< )

I went to a Clinique counter at Times Square, Causeway bay last week to try on the new CC cream, and i can say it works well for me. Putting the CC cream on with the help of a friendly Clinique assistant , i found out that the CC cream was invisble to the naked eye, and it blendedwellas if it were a part of my skin. Nothing was hidden and i immediately looked radiant. The lady who assisted me was polite and even asked me if i needed introduction on other products after we were finished with the CC cream try-on.

You won't know the CC cream's wonderful effects on your skin until you try it !

“ 特效水嫩補濕CC霜SPF 30 PA+++著重護膚功能, CLINIQUE 的 CC CREAM -(BA 稱之為)有調色功能的防曬霜, 除了 SPF30/ PA+++ 的防曬, 來自Moisture Surge特效水嫩補濕系列的CC CREAM, 也有卓越的補濕功能。 適合所有膚質, 採用無油配方, 而且作為Clinique 的產品 不會添加香料, 也沒有酒精成分, 即使是 油性肌 或敏感肌都可安心使用。 光澤方面, CLINIQUE 的 CC CREAM 能打造非常自然的光澤 本人用的色號為 Natural Fair, 顏色非常接近膚色, 讓我可以厚面皮聲稱冇化妝/冇上粉! 不只擊退暗沈, 而且仲可以遮到我面上的泛紅部份, 效果是十分自然, 自以為是素顏。 天氣熱又要戴口罩, 不妨試下這款可以偷偷美肌的 CC CREAM, 可以冇上粉咁焗。 CC CREAM 較 BB CREAM 有更多顏色選擇, CLINIQUE 的CC CREAM 共有5色,總有一隻色適合你的, 只是遮瑕度會較遜色, 所以需要遮黑眼圈的話, 就用遮瑕膏好了~ 含防曬成分: 桂皮酸鹽, 水楊酸鹽, 二氧化鈦 及 氧化鋅 保濕成分: 丁二醇, 嗜熱棲熱菌發酵產物, 海藻醣, 甘油, 卵燐脂, 山梨醣醇, 醋酸鹽維他命E 及 玻尿酸鈉 抗氧化成分: 庫拉索蘆薈葉水, 嗜熱棲熱菌發酵產物, 咖啡因, 亞麻仁油酸, 卵燐脂, 醋酸鹽維他命E, 脂溶性維他命C 及 季戊四醇四(雙-t-丁基羥基氫化肉桂酸)酯 鎮靜消炎成分: 庫拉索蘆薈葉水, 咖啡因 及 亞麻仁油酸 肌膚修復成分: 亞麻仁油酸 及 卵燐脂 油性滋潤成分: 卵燐脂 ”