Minon Amino Acid Moisturizing Mask contains 9 essential amino acids and low-molecular-weight hyaluronic acid for skin, with high moisturizing and penetrating power. Ultra-moisturizing special care, creating a hydrated and beautiful skin that everyone wants to touch!
- Special care for dry, sensitive skin with rich moisturizing properties.
- Smoothes fine lines caused by dryness.
- Provides moisturizing ingredients that support barrier function and penetrate into the stratum corneum for soft skin
- Moisturizing function, strengthen the skin's water-locking barrier
- Soft mask that fits snugly, feels like skin and reduces irritation
- Hypoallergenic, Fragrance/Color Free, Slightly Acidic, No Added Alcohol (Ethanol)
Amino acid is an important moisturizing factor in the stratum corneum, which locks the moisture of the skin. If a large amount of amino acids is lost, it will lead to disorder in the stratum corneum muscle, and it is easy to be stimulated by external factors, making the skin dry and rough.
Minion 氨基酸保濕面膜,蘊含 9 種肌膚不可缺少的氨基酸及低分子透明質酸,保濕力及滲透力極高。超保濕特殊護理,締造人人都想觸摸的水潤美肌!
- 特別呵護乾燥的敏感肌膚,具有豐富的保濕功效。
- 撫平乾燥引起的細紋。
- 提供支持屏障功能的保濕成分,滲透於角質層,打造柔嫩肌膚
- 保濕功能,強化肌膚的鎖水屏障
- 緊密貼合地柔軟面膜,如同肌膚般的觸感,減低刺激性
- 低過敏性,無香料/色素,弱酸性,無添加酒精(乙醇)