我用了神仙水後 ,肌膚改善毛孔細了,現在已沒有暗瘡印,已買了第3支,值得回購。
My guy friend was interested in trying out it out as the ads made it sound like a miracle. He applied it to half of his face for 2 weeks, and asked me to guess if there was a difference. Honestly, I was shocked to hear someone would actually apply it to half is face only, but he was the type to prove if something worked. So, after just looking at this face, it was obvious that the side he applied FTE on was much smoother and shinier compared to his original dull skin. He loved the product but there was one thing he disliked... the smell... =P
男朋友之前皮膚又粗又油、 用左之後明顯好左,膚色仲變得有光澤,睇落去成個人精神D。佢由最初死都唔肯用怕比朋友笑,現在自動波去用,仲提我要幫佢補貨。
因為仔仔18歲, 有暗瘡同角質層厚,所以買比仔仔用..佢一用不斷爆間瘡,問過職員講因為底層污穢多,先將入面既野推番出黎, 但用左一個星期.最後仔仔放棄,因為好癢.所以只能見到此效果.
男朋友用了神仙水後, 肌膚改善了, 毛孔細了, 仲少了臉油.