AHC Premier Collagen T3 Serum 30ml
AHC T3膠原緊緻回彈精華 30毫升
AHC honed the expertise necessary to create highly effective, aesthetics-based skincare solutions. Top quality, yet affordable and easy-to-use products for the larger public was created, and today it is loved by many customers all over the world.
Collagen Fill Up Technology
Improving collagen stability, transparency and formation
Absorption +118.4%⁴ in 30 minutes
improving 7 skin concerns: lifting, anti-wrinkles, skin elasticity, skin density, hydration, pores refining and skin radience
AHC研究出護膚金三角平衡美學 (AHC AestheBalance™),透過嚴謹科學研發的產品配方,提供高效且安心的保養成分,並揉合美容師專業的手法技巧,希望幫助每一位獨一無二的女性,在日常肌膚保養過程中發掘最美的自己。
【3重膠原Fill Up技術】,從肌底改善膠原!
• 重整穩定性,提升滲透力,促進膠原合成
• 30分鐘後吸收率提升118.4%⁴,深入滲透
• 改善7大肌膚問題,緊緻、撫紋、彈性、肌底支撐力、保濕 、毛孔、光澤