Regenerist Super Cream 50g
OLAY新生高效緊緻護膚霜 50克
Based on 1 ratings
Olay micro-sculpting super cream can stimulate collagen and make your skin firmness in effect. In this way, it will directly boost the skin luster. The newly upgraded micro-sculpting super cream contains Penta Peptide which can refine your skin. It can not only remove the wrinkles but also keep moisture well.
OLAY新生高效緊緻護膚霜 50克
第5代Super Cream以「三重膠原技術」+40%激活膠原能量,提升全方位提升膠原質素。99.7%高純度B3,+55%保護肌底膠原,防止膠原蛋白流失,同時抗氧化、保持肌膚水油平衡。黃金抗老成分「五胜肽」,刺激400%膠原蛋白增生,減淡細紋、使肌膚光滑有彈性。蘊含地中海長角豆萃取,長效補濕鎖水。由OLAY科學家經過26年科學研究,研發出新升級專利配方:更高純度B3 + 五胜肽,發揮更大護膚功效,成分獲哈佛大學認可。臨床實證,28天可84%淡化細紋,81%提升下巴線條。
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