
NIVEA Hydra Skin Effect Wake-up Gel 50ml

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•NIVEA Hydra Skin Effect Night Gel Cream, a light cream formula charged with PURE HYALURON [HA], which activates skin's own hyaluron production.
•The precious ingredient passes several purification steps in the process that make it so pure.
•This creamy light gel formula melting on your skin gives you supple skin in the morning, skin plumped-up with moisture from within for healthy glowy skin. Proven results as below:
•1. 72 hours long lasting hydration, skin is plumped up with moisture from within
•2. Fast & intense hydration
•3. Regenerated skin
•4. No greasy residues on your skin & pillow
•5. creamy light gel formula melting on skin & gives you supple skin in the morning

輕水潤配方蘊含高濃度及高純度透明質酸,由內至外深層保濕鎖水,激活肌底自我透明質酸增生及水分填補充盈 , 肌膚瞬間清爽水潤, 透嫩亮澤。
•高濃度及高純度透明質酸 - 活性成分均經嚴謹處理而成為高效及純淨肌膚元素
•清爽配方於肌膚一抺即融快速吸收至肌底,72 小時深層保濕滋潤且不油笠, 持久全面水嫩透潤, 回復肌膚健康狀態

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