
有留意今年春季流行什麼大熱彩妝嗎?今年春季的makeup trend可算非常多姿多彩,不再像從前一樣,一色一樣都是淡粉色漸變暈開的浪漫效果。看著看著那麼多時裝秀的後台資訊,心癢癢的。。。不如我就逐一在這裡試試看吧!哈哈〜* Have a touch on the SS2013 makeup trend yet? It's fantastic this year, unlike those springs on the past couple years, we have cool fancy vibrant colors and designs than those romantic soft blending pastel shades all over. I got so tempted when I was looking at them and am now planning to try out those trends one by one... It's gonna be fun* :) 光澤無暇的底妝效果可算是每年每季的指定動作,但今季特別著重無妝感的底妝效果,看上去要跟沒化妝一樣,看似本身就擁有光澤無暇的肌膚。要達到這種效果,必須使用既非常透薄又同時給予足夠遮瑕的產品。那現在就看看我使用NARS後台級超棒底妝的示範分享。。。 :) Luminosity and perfection of the skin is always the trend for all seasons year round. But, it's even simpler this year for the skin all aglow with a makeup-less looking complexion this spring, showing the glow and healthiness of the skin itself. To achieve this beautiful weightless complexion, we'll definitely need some backstage pro makeup by NARS to offer perfect coverage and effortless simplicity for our glowing skin. (由左到右)Radiant Creamy Concealer #honey Radiant Creamy Concealer #custard Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF30 PA+++ Pore Refining Primer 記住,要底妝更貼臉更持久,makeup base隔離霜是超重要的!在潮濕的春天就最適合用Pore-Refining Primer!這個base帶一種細緻光滑的質感,摸上去就立刻會感受到它可以平滑肌膚,能即時收斂毛孔、調控油光塑造啞緻皮膚。 為一整天的妝容作好準備,幫助塑造出更完美的底妝!使用方法非常簡單,在塗完面霜之後,拿一粒黃豆的份量,從t-zone開始,由內至外推開便可。 Always remember a makeup base is your very best friend to create a smudge-proof and long lasting makeup for your long hour days. Pore-Refining Primer is your perfect partner in spring. It has a soft silky finishing, helps to smooth skin, and minimizing pores on its appearance while matifying shiny zones on your face. It's super easy in application, apply after your daily moisturizers, starting from the t-zone, blend from inner parts to outer of your face. 好了,那要假裝沒化妝的完美膚色,你必須有一個既亮肌,又保濕,最好還帶防護。。。三重美膚功效的有色面霜就可以瞬間為肌膚補充水分,令膚色變得剔透亮澤,展現前所未有的明亮、健康感覺。NARS獨一無二全方位的 Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF30 PA+++就能達到這種效果呢!哈哈,經過我跟媽媽同時使用的實驗證明,持續使用,不但有效改善膚色不勻和色斑,更能隱藏幼紋、皺紋、毛孔和其他瑕疵,超易推,超好用啊!(事源是這樣的,我一直都是媽媽的護膚品和化妝品的供應商。平常普通出外,她一直都有用BB霜的習慣。。。那她剛用光了舊的,我就順道給她也用上了這個Tinted Moisturizer。。。啊〜 她一試就愛上了!相比BB霜,更潤色和光澤, 質地也很順滑易推。。。哈哈!媽跟我爭著用的!)我比較懶,用手從內往外推至均勻便可! Alright, so to 'fake' the complexion with a makeup–less look, all you'll definitely need is a brightening, while moisturizing and best with sunscreen protection tinted moisturizer to offer you with sufficient moisture, even complexion with a luminous finish and a healthy touch of a glowing color. So here comes the latest NARS Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer SPF30 PA+++. Well, it is proved by me and my mum that it not only helps to even out our skin tones, it also hides fine lines and pores perfectly with super easy and quick application. ( The fact is I am the makeup and skin care product supplier of my mum. She's actually a BB cream user on her casual shopping days. She just finished hers so I got her this new tinted moisturizer too. Well, she loved it! It's even more radiant and easy in application than a BB cream she said... Haha* She got mine too. ) To use, for someone lazy like me, just blend it all over your face with your hands, and that's fine. 要重點修飾臉上大大小小的色素瑕疵,這次我就用上了Radiant Creamy Concealer。超棒!它是一個豐盈順滑質感而同時亮澤自然的效果. 含高度保濕及其多效護膚配方, 同時採用了散光技術能即時有效隱藏黑眼圈、修飾泛紅和其他瑕疵, 令底妝顯得更順滑並同時提供中度至高度完美而自然的遮瑕效果的超棒遮瑕膏。坦白說,要說遮瑕膏的效果,大前題就一定是要擁有不著痕跡的質感。最怕那些厚厚的遮瑕膏,塗一層又遮不了什麼,塗多一點點又跟臉上清透的底妝成了對比,顯得眼圈厚厚的,眼部細紋就跑出來了!NARS這個超棒!利用最小的份量,一層一層慢慢地諦造最自然而不著痕跡的遮瑕效果!我一般都喜歡先放上較明顯的一層,配合粉撲輕輕印開,再於淚溝位置薄薄的再上一層提亮眼袋下方的陰影位置,拜拜了黑眼圈!:) To hide those little or big blemishes, I gonna use this wonderful Radiant Creamy Concealer of NARS. It's rich, creamy, silky and silky, super high content in moisture and skin care ingredients and itreflects light perfectly to cover all impurities such as dark concealers, red marks and other blemishes. It is definitely a secret weapon concealer offering medium to high coverage with a weightless finishing. You can apply little by little in layers or simply apply a slightly thicker like me, and blend it all out with a sponge for a quicker application. Get one more slightly lighter shade for the shadow of the under eye, where the eye bags show the most, and highlight that shadow underneath. That's the easiest way to say goodbye to your dark circles! :) 簡單的配一下眉毛顏色,薄薄掃幾層睫毛膏。。。大功告成!今季重點的粗眉無妝感裸妝 哈~*不如下次試試看螢光粉色或者啞光紅唇,好嗎?:) As easy as that. To match with, color your brows with your hair color, brush a few layers of mascara and you're ready to go! The trend is on the statement eye brows and on this makeup-less look. Shall I try out those neon pastel eyes or matte deep red lips on the next makeup sharing? :) ***great news! freebies time::: enjoy a 15 min consultation and receive a sample size of the Pure Radiant Tinted Moisturizer for free if you are in HK! :) *click here*