Nesti Dante

Luxury Gold Bar Soap 250g
奢華金箔香皂 250克

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Scent: Rose, Iris, Cedarwood, Orange & GrapefruitSixty years ago, the young Dante boiled his first small soap cauldron in Florence. To celebrate this milestone, Nesti Dante created a precious natural soap prepared with 23 carat gold leaves in honour of Dante’s early achievements. Gold, an iconic material, famous since the beginning of time as a symbol of longevity and balance, is the perfect homage to our noble heritage and rich culture. This new standard of beauty is further enriched with the intense powdery scent of Noble Iris, the flower symbol of Florence.

為了慶祝創辦人Nesti Dante先生在佛羅倫斯開始他第一個熱鍋爐至今逾60週年而打造的。香皂注入了23K的金箔,並散發著佛羅倫斯市花-鳶尾花的招牌芬芳香氣,是一款充滿過去、現代和未來的珍貴禮物。

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