Foamimg Face Wash 180ml
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• Use of non-irritating mild amino acid cleansing ingredients to provide skin moisture even after cleansing• One tap to release dense elastic foam, soft to the touch and reduce friction with the skin• Delicate foam can penetrate deeper into pores, thoroughly wash away sebum and dirt, and enhance the absorption of skin care products
• 添加弱酸性氨基酸類洗淨成分,溫和不刺激,潔面後保持肌膚水潤
• 輕按即出綿密彈力泡沫,觸感柔潤,減低潔面時與肌膚的摩擦,溫柔呵護肌膚
• 細緻泡沬更能深入毛孔,徹底洗淨油脂污垢,加強後續護膚品吸收