
Products' info: 1. Dior Addict Extreme lipstick (no.553) in the color Princess Extreme HKD260 2. NYX lipgloss (no. 160) in the color Tea Rose HKD80 Review: The Dior lipstick is very moisturising and easily applicable. It is Extreme line, meaning that it can cover up your orginial lip color (see pic 1), which makes your lip color more vibrant (see pic 2). To top it up and make your lips more juicy (see pic 3, 4), the NYX lipglass is the best match. The Dior lipstick is fragrance free whereas the NYX one has quite a strong cherry scent. They go so perfectly together. The Dior lipstick lasts longer than the lipgloss. But don't expect the color is still there after eating. Out of 10 they both worth 9! If you think the lipstick is too expensive, just go for the lipgloss alone becos it itself already gives your lips quite good coverage and color. Dior Addict Extreme 唇膏一直備受化妝師和明星推崇,原因在於它十分顯色,塗一層已經可有效遮蓋原有唇色,而且有保濕效果,令雙唇更加豐滑。再配合NYX lipgloss,即使增添光澤。今次推介兩色都屬今季新品,這桃紅色十分鮮明,又不致十分老氣俗套那種,無論白皙或稍黃膚色的美媚也十分適合。Glam It Up推介大家試試。如果嫌Dior lipstick太貴,可只塗NYX lipgloss, 因為後者本身已有顏色,且覆蓋度也不錯!NYX可在尖沙咀海港城LCX內或旺角Log-On內找到。